Wednesday, May 2, 2012

'Give me a daisy a day dear...'

or so the old song goes.

I was listening to a Radio show the other day and they were discussing
books and writing.
Now I had missed the start of the show because of that pesky interrupter of
all things fun - paid work - so I didn't catch who was speaking.
But one of them said that to get a character to come to life you must have
the right name.
Once the right name lands on your desk you can get cracking.

This was a few days ago and I gave it no thought because I thought it was a
bit mad to be honest until...
(Drum Roll Please)
'Daisy' landed on my desk (really the inside of my skull).
You see I had this character in mind,
an older lady
I could see her house
her daily routine
her sense of humour
but I couldn't settle on a first name for her.
I had her surname but I wanted a girls name that would suit her.
And then Bingo! (or rather Daisy ) landed.
And its just perfect.
She's a bit of a scut so I didn't want anything too weighty
and because she's in her seventies it couldn't be a modern name.
And now that I have that she's absolutely bubbling with life and demanding
to be written.
so I'm off to do that.
How's your day going?

1 comment:

  1. Daisy sounds like a lovely name. I think names are very important, after all if you've got a damsel in distress and a hero shouting her name you want it just right. I had a fun exercise last year when I was coming up with names for the characters of my current novel. My wife and I actually bounced ideas off each other, I gave her a description of each character, and we both brainstormed. Several of the final names were actually her suggestions. Good luck with your new character!
