Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The love of my life

Flash fiction in present tense 1000 words any genre.
As per instructions from Chuck Wendig

The love of my life.

'I love you'.
He mouths the words over my son's head.
Our son.
His eyes crinkle up at the sides as his face splits into a smile so
enormous I think his head might just crack in half.
'I love you'.
I mouth it back.
It is such a perfect moment.
The noise of the hospital ward fades into the background and we are sitting
in a bubble of euphoria.
The exhaustion hasn't hit yet.
I smile back at my husband but I don't see his face anymore.
I smile and say I love you again but it is to a new face I am speaking.
The face of the person I love most in the world who cannot be here.
She cannot give me babies and marriage because she is married already with
children of her own. She is so clever. She suggested this union with her

'It'll be perfect' she said 'we can spend loads of time together and no one
will be the wiser'.
She was so excited telling me her plan 'you always wanted to be an actor?
well get ready for the role of a life time! Wife. Mother. Pillar of the
community.' She was practically on fire telling me all this and all I
could think of was how beautiful and animated her face was.

I do love my husband. I love him because he is a kind and gentle man. I
love him because he is the father of our son.

I sigh, utterly content.

He looks at me anxiously.

'everything alright?' he whispers.

'everything is perfect' I reply just as the rising sun washes the walls in
early morning orange.


  1. I like your concept. It's not entirely clear to me whether or not the other woman reciprocates this woman's love, but the ambiguity is okay. Was this a love that started before the other woman became married or after? Your story makes me curious.

  2. hey Fractal Man
    Thanks for the encouragement. Yes the women are in love from before the marriage. And the other woman is in love with the main character. I liked the idea of it when I was writing it. Thanks for stopping by.
